Captain Supertooth cartoon character flying



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Program Overview

Captain Supertooth Program

Since 2000, Captain Supertooth has crusaded across Oklahoma extolling the virtues of good dental self-care.  Using a giant toothbrush, fun props, and volunteers from the audience, the Captain presents a lively 25-minute program inspiring kids to be superheroes to their teeth!

Funded entirely by the Delta Dental of Oklahoma Foundation, the program is provided free of charge to schools.  Participating children receive complimentary toothbrushes.

The Captain Supertooth Program is for all Oklahoma students in pre-kindergarten through third grade.

Schedule a Visit Now!

To schedule a visit, first read our Frequently Asked Questions and then use our online booking form.

For more information, contact:

Michael Seager at or 405-607-2115.

Captin Supertooth with a large group of kids